You know how in those magazines like US they have polls on whether you like how Reese Witherspoon looked then or now. Here's my own.
Matt Carroll: Notre Dame guard and guy that got in trouble for eating in class
Matt Carroll: Charlotte Bobcats guard
(On an aside for Notre Dame people--actually probably mostly Farleyites too. What do you think the combined currently salary of Anna Morales' former boyfriends is? I mean she dated Matt Carroll and Julius Jones. Anyone else?)
Here's a better current picture:
Click here.
I was just impressed he a)recognized me as a manager; and b)introduced himself, when we had the same finance class our sophomore year.
*SHUDDER* Bellezza... ok, somebody change the subject!
Yeah, that's actually the first picture I saw of Little Dutchboy Mattie. But I thought I needed to keep the poll consistant with the head shots. He was in our finance class?
Were you and I in the same class? I had it MWF at... 1:40? 2:45? I forget... sometime in the afternoon. He sat way in the back. Ironically, that's where I would normally sit.
I think so, wasn't that the class where we made the list of questions for Bellezza..."are you the devil or simply a personal friend?"
Sounds right. And it was a MWF 3:00 class if I'm not mistaken.
Just one final FYI, for those who care (clearly me and few else):
Matt Carroll's 2006-07 salary:
Julius Jones' 2005 salary:
But don't feel bad for JJ. He got a nice little signing bonus in 2004.... for $1.9 million.
I remember Ana. Expensive tastes, apparently.
Ahh, memories...
OK, I'll stop now.
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