So I've had a crappy couple of days.
Friday I acquired a dent in my car in the exact spot that I just had fixed over Christmas break from a snow bank. Can you believe that? Snow dented my car.
Saturday I ripped off part of my finger nail and it gushed blood and hurt a crap load.
I don't think anything happened yesterday except that it was snowy and yucky out.
Today, I got a flat tire.
So I did what any girl that's having a bad day should do.
I bought shoes.
Actually I bought two pairs of shoes, a coat, a skirt, and green fudge. When I was in college whenever one of us was having a bad day, we would shop. Which is probably not the best way to deal with frustration but it worked. If we were lucky, the import store would be on campus and we could go talk to the scary import store lady about her fiance from Guatemala and her estranged husband that she used to sleep on a futon with and also leave with really cute jewelry made by little South American kids....I miss the scary import store lady.
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