Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Does Anyone Know How To Get A Pencil Out Of A Steinway Baby Grand?

Last night, in some fluke accident I dropped a pencil into our piano. The pencil was up by my music where I was using it to mark sharps and flats and stuff (all you band nerds understand what I'm talking about.) Anyway, when I turned a page, the pencil went down in between the wooden thing that covers the keys when you're not using the piano, and the wooden part that has the piano maker on it. I would've thought the key coverer was hinged so I'd put the cover down and there the pencil would be, but no. Apparently it's only connected at the sides, so the pencil rolled into the back of the keys. We can't really see it but that its behind C, D, E, and F in the highest octave because those notes make a clinky noise when you hit them. My dad was pissed!!! Piano tuner is going to be coming, but who knows what he can do.

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