Sunday, April 17, 2011

That's Scary

From time to time I post conversations that epitomize the relationships that I have with certain people (Danielle, my mom, etc.), just so you can get a better idea of the people in my world. Today, I went out for celebratory sushi (because did I mention I got into the University of Minnesota...woot) with's a conversation that only gives you a slight view of this extremely complex relationship. Background: I have a band-aid on my index finger.

Andy: What did you do to your finger?
Me: Oh, my cuticle is just all red and hurty.
Andy: Cause you were stressed out and picking at it?
Me: No.
(Andy gives me a look of contempt)
Me: (Sheepishly) Yes.
(The look of contempt continues)
Me: I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
Andy: Don't apologize...
(I interrupt him two words in.)
Me: (to my index finger) I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
Andy: That's scary.

(I apologize if the formatting of this post is all F***ed up. Blogger is being a bucket of hell right now).

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