Sunday, December 04, 2011

Letter Not From Prison

Get it? Cause she's like it's a letter but not from prison. Anyway, sorry that it's taken me so long to blog. I've been kinda a mess lately. Anyway, no excuses, I'll just get right to blogging.

"Hey, How are you doing? Im good.. Just a lil stressed! Its pretty stressful being in a city you have no clue about (Uh..I moved to Minnesota.) and you have to travel some place different everyday (I still don't understand why she goes somewhere different everyday, but whatever). I got lost like twice the other day and had to spend 12$ on fair. (that's not where a $ goes and I think you mean fare.) Thank God I got a monthly bus pass for Dec. so I can travel everywhere and not worry...I always end up walking cause its easier.

I have a question? ( a) that's a statement about a question and thus does not need a question mark even though the word question is in it and b)a question for me? oh good!) Do you happen to have an old lil Ipod that you don't really use anymore with a bunch of music on it? (no, actually my current Ipod got recalled and is at Apple. and even if I did the "bunch of music" that would be on an old Ipod of mine, you wouldn't like. Unless you're really into BSB and *NSync.) Petey lost his (Petey is her brother, but not sure what that has to do with me sending her an Ipod) and my dad was spose to send me a MP3 like a month ago and never did. I figured you might have a old one from when they 1st came out or something! (I do, but seeing as I take care of my stuff, don't sell it for drug money, and don't have it stolen, I've only needed one.) I can even just borrow it until I get out of here and I'll take great care of it! (bahahahaha...yeah...)If you do is there anyway you can add some Drake, Lil Wayne, Rick Russ, and Big Sean too it? (So now, not only do you want me to send you an Ipod, but you want me to put music you like on it too?) like all the new Rap...& R&B...that would be awesome...and you can just send it stright too me in the Ipods need chargers ( head is starting to hurt just from reading this.) I never even had a Ipod lol (why do I not feel bad for her? oh...possibly because she's never had a job either?) but everyone has them here and they are so awesome if you have an old one or a extra one that would be awesome! (wow..that is a lot of awesome stuff! even if I had a closet of Ipods, I'm not sure I would send her one.)

Well I went to Uncle Bill's (Thanksgiving) and it was awesome (you know what else is awesome? uh...well...I can't think of anything. I was going to say "your face", but that's not derogatory and then I was going to say "your mom", but that's not derogatory Listen what I came up with. I decided that it would be awesome if this summer all the kids 18 & over (so...I guess this means I'm included in the "kids") went on a road trip so it would be me, you, Patrick, Molly and Andrew. (Oh, my f***ing God...she CAN'T be serious.) Hows that sound? (like a BAD idea.) Do you think we could make it happen? (are we just going to rob our way across the country? or who exactly is this going to be financed? Gas doesn't exactly bubble up from the does...but you know...) That would be so cool so we can get to know each other and just have fun! (Here's what I'm picturing...we're in the middle of West Virginia or some other remote state. I come back to the hotel room after going to grab a Coke from the soda machine and find her OD-ing in the bathtub....second scenario, we get pulled over. Cops search our car...find a gun in her suitcase...any one else want to role play this for me?) If everyones down we should start planning it! (I am NOT down. NOT DOWN! Pretty sure Patrick, who is also responsible, is not down as well.) What do you think? (I think I would rather eat my own eyes.)"

So she goes on to talk about how she has to go to a bunch of "resource centers" every day and how she's trying to get a job or get into school and how she wants a smart phone, but that's pretty much it. I'll try to blog again soon.

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