My Horoscope
I just wanted to share how weird I thought my horoscope was for the month of April. For those of you who don't know, I quit my job because I was miserable and am moving in April to a job 600 miles from where I currently live. Here is my horoscope. My comments are in parenthesis:
"Capricorn: Relax. You're on an upward spiral, and whatever occurs near the 5th (I start my new job on the 5th) should convince you that you've timed your moves and calculated the odds with artful precision. A professional venture comes to fruition near the full moon of the 13th, and aspects near the 16th point to favorable real-estate transactions and lifestyle changes (I don't have an apartment there yet, so this could be that...i'll let you know after the 16th). Capricorns worry because they're too aware of how easily plans can go wrong (you have no idea), but you've faced down your fears and not only survived but thrived. With Venus and Uranus in Pisces, you've in the process of forming notable new friendships and impromptu getaways refresh your spirits and perspective."
Well, that just about fits me to a T. Anyone up for an impromptu getaway?
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