Monday, July 03, 2006

Things that Annoy Me

I have three and they all happened yesterday.

1) Guys in speedos and flippers that disrupt my calming swim by flailing around like a 5 year old.

2) The remote for my new TV doesn't have a back channel button. What kinda piece of trash TV doesn't have a back channel button? And even more annoying anytime you type in a double digit channel you have to press the _ _ button first or else it only recognizes the first number.

3) I went to Starbuck's yesterday to have my first Iced Caramel Macchiatto in about 3 months. This is very serious for me because before I moved there were 4 Starbucks on my 5 mile drive to work (2 on opposite corners from each other, and one across the street from where I worked) so you can only imagine how many Iced Caramel Macchiatto's I used to have. Well, I was very excited when I discovered a new Starbuck's yesterday, only to then have the girl make my drink incorrectly. I don't know exactly what was wrong with it. It was just wrong. Does Starbuck's have secret shoppers? Because they should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're doing you a favor. Starbucks is poison. At least for your bank account. I only go once in a while - whenever I'm super tired and need a pick-me-up before work. Which is usually about once every other week or so. Don't know how much they are by you, but they're $4 here (for a mediu- ahem, "Grande").