Saturday, December 08, 2007

Vacation, YEAH!!

For those of you that don't know, tomorrow I leave for Disney World. Yes, I'm still a kid at heart. Don't worry though. I've invited Amanda from my work to guest blog while I'm away. I get back on Friday evening and am sure I will have loads of fun stories since Danielle is going with me. Someone please inform my boss that I'm out of town because even though there was a long conversation regarding my vacation request, and numerous mentions about my vacation, she still seemed surprised when I reminded her that I would not be attending the staff meeting next week because I'm out of town. DUH!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am STILL trying to get Randy to go to Disney. I have only been there ONCE, as a 19 year old college kid, and I want to go again dammit!! So here it is- in all it's glory- JEALOUSY!! ;)