Do Eggs Go Bad?
Last night I realized that my half dozen carton of eggs says best if used by June XX, 2006. When I moved into my apartment, my mom felt that I needed eggs even though I don't eat eggs except when used for baking. It was just one of those things that you need (milk, eggs, bread). Well, I've used one of the six and now they have "expired" though I really didn't know eggs could expire. Any thoughts?
Yes, eggs do expire. You'd probably still be OK with the ones you've got (though I'd defer to Marcia on that one) - but to be on the safe side, I'd toss 'em.
Besides, aren't they like 99 cents a dozen anyway?
eggs do go bad, but they can stay fresh for a long time if properly refrigerated. never leave them in the door of your fridge put them in the back to keep as cold as possible (but bring them to room temperature before baking) to see if an egg is usable crack it onto a dinner plate. the yolk will be bright yellow and the albumen (white) will stay together in a nice puddle if the egg is fresh. if the yolk is pale or an ugly colour and breaks, or the albumen spreads around the plate like water (or if there is a funky smell. pitch them they are old and most likly garbage.
I always wondered that. I guess they do go bad, according to Bryan.
As a follow-up... Out of boredom I google'd "shelf life on eggs". Most of the places I researched said that 5 weeks is the max. So unless the eggs you got came right off the truck, you'd probably be best to chuck 'em. You won't go bankrupt replacing them.
Who knew the egg post would be such a comment magnet?
As long as you use them within a couple months of the expiration date.
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