Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Funniest Thing Since the Danielle/Recliner Incident
Last night at the gym I saw the funniest thing since the Danielle/recliner incident. It could've been tragic but luckily the guy wasn't hurt so I have a right to laugh about it. See the figures below. It's hard to make a stick figure running, so use your imagination.

I actually only saw Figures 2 and 3, so what actually happened in between figure 1 and 2 can only be left up to your imagination. After crashing against the fence (I'm not sure why there is a fence in my gym, but there is) the guy stepped back onto the sides of the treadmill (the treadmill was still moving) looked at it like it was posessed. Turned it off, put on his glasses and walked away. No one that worked at the gym actually cared to investigate what the banging and metal crunching sound was from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME.

I think you need to tell more stories using stick figure diagrams, by the way.