Monday, January 04, 2010

This Isn't Christmas Dinner

Sorry it's been so long since blogging. I'm finally back in North Carolina with my own computer and own my own wireless high speed internet. YAHOO!!

So the first thing I want to blog about is Christmas dinner at my Uncle Bill's. We usually have ham and turkey, and I'm all for change, but there's certain things that just should or should not be in Christmas dinner. Here's the menu and my thoughts.

Beef: I'm ok with beef. It was actually pretty yummy however, it was obvious that the kids didn't have experience with beef when they asked which was the light meat and dark meat. Seriously? You've never had beef before?
Gravy: Again, the kids were like "what's that?" "Gravy." "It doesn't look like gravy." "Cause its beef gravy" "well, what do you do with it?"
Stuffing: I love stuffing but we had beef. When we have stuffing with turkey there are two types at the table "in the bird" and "out of the bird". Jokingly I asked "is this in the cow or out of the cow?" No one got the joke and the answer I got was "you'll have to ask Uncle Bill." Also, the stuffing was all cut into hunks. My cousin Patrick asked if I would like a hunk of stuffing and someone thought he said "hug of stuffing" so the rest of dinner they asked to pass the hugs of stuffing.
Mashed Potatoes: Good...except a little too much butter for me, but I'm ok with that.
Corn: No issue with corn. Fine
Cranberry jello stuff: It was weird. It was like cherry jello with cranberries in it. Bizarre.
Asparagus Salad: What? What is this shit? It was some sort of pickled asparagus or something. This isn't Christmas dinner.
Lemony Broccoli: Where's the freakin green bean casserole? What's this fru fru veggie shit? Plus broccoli should not taste like lemon.
Rolls: Fine
Red Beet Eggs: We always have these. I hate them, but my mom kept trying to pimp them out to everyone. "Do you want red beet eggs?" "Here have some red beet eggs." "Do they have red beet eggs down there?" Seriously, you'd have thought she was getting commission off of the red beet eggs.
Raw Carrots And Celery: If you don't know how I feel about this, see my blog about Thanksgiving.
Cheesecake:'s Christmas! Where's the cookies? I'd even take some sort of pie. But a store bought cheesecake?!?! Talk about half assed.

I guess I shouldn't complain so much since I ate all of it (except the red beet eggs...blech). Stayed tuned more about Christmas later...Including the excellent Christmas gift I got from Amanda 2!

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