Sunday, April 01, 2007

Why I Won't Be Getting Flowers on April 19th

April 19th is staff appreciation day at work. The volunteers are supposed to send in food for the staff and cards and things like that to make us feel better about the fact that we might not have jobs in a month. I just got back from a volunteer recognition dinner and the volunteers in that area wanted me to know that they wanted to send me flowers for staff appreciation day, but were told they weren't allowed to. They had called my boss because they weren't sure what day staff appreciation was and my boss told them it would be unfair if I got flowers and other staff members don't. Bite me. Maybe other staff members suck and don't deserve flowers. That my friends is why I won't be getting flowers on April 19th.


Marcia said...

LOSER boss. You should spend April 19th working on a "project" making yourself paper flowers.

Anonymous said...

maybe we should give each other flowers for staff appreciation day.

Jsto said...

Well, that just wouldn't be fair...but I do appreciate you as a staff member