The Best and Worst
Last night my mom let me open a Christmas present (because I'm spoiled like that). I got a green Samardzija Fiesta Bowl T-shirt which is arguably one of the best "small" presents I have gotten. It made me start thinking about the best and worst presents I've ever gotten for Christmas/my birthday (since I usually get them at the same time they tend to run together). Here's my top ten.
Honorable Mentions (didn't make the list but close):
- My Dooney and Bourke purse - still love it right down to the multi-colored zipper
- Giant Garfield Clock
- Greg the Bunny DVD - because Greg the Bunny is hilarious and the story behind how I got the DVD is even funnier
- Lava Lamp - it was a really cool lava lamp
- Aquacise sneakers - I was the only person in my aquacise class to have them and everyone else was jealous
Now for the countdown:
10) Easy Bake Oven - made lots of great treats with it over the year9) Cabbage Patch Doll
8) Gameboy - I had been wanting a Nintendo for years because all my friends had one, but my parents thought it would rot by brain, so getting the Gameboy was a big step.
7) Ice skates - Little known fact about me, I used to ice skate a lot
6) a piccolo - seems like a pretty stupid gift at the time, but I loved it when I got it
5) Tickets to see David Copperfield in NYC - no one could get tickets, but I did. It was especially cool when he cut himself in half and then walked around the stage
4) A package at Spa at Hershey for me and a friend even though the before mentioned friend got sick. It's the thought that counts. Plus I got to use all the stuff that was for her.
3) a Bike - every kid loves seeing a bike under the Christmas tree
2) my friend Caroline who had moved flew in from Washington state to surprise me on my birthday
1) a sno cone maker - Awesome gift! Used it a lot in college, does a much better job than a blender and its great to invite people over for sno cones
Honorable Mentions:
E.T. on VHS - my mom claims I loved it, but have never watched it since
gaudy Turquoise Earrings - the people at work got me these big turquoise earring for my birthday (since it is my birthstone), and I hate them, but I wear them to work every once and a while because I feel bad
10) Tickle Me Elmo - sure it was the toy of the year, but I was 17!
9) Talking Alf - turned out to be cool, but I had wanted Teddy Ruxspin
8) Autographed picture of Bob Davie which I got after he had been fired - the friend who gave it to me is probably happy that it made this list because that was the whole point of the gift. The picture is however hanging up in my house
7) Knitted X-mas socks - I got these from my adopt-a-grandma at the nursing home. They were sooo ugly. I still have them.
6) Shane my adopt-a-manatee - my uncle picked Shane because he was "born the same year" as I was. Shane however was born in '81, which is not when I was born. Then about four months after I got him, he was killed by a boat.
5) Broken Sno Globe - my aunt once broke a sno globe for me on the way to my party. It was never replaced
4) Orange Stirrup Pants - Even at the age of 7, I knew I didn't want to wear them.
3) Barbie McDonald's - When you want a Barbie house and get a Barbie McDonald's, it's a big let down
2) Golf Lessons - used one, got mad, never went back
1) a crockpot - Nothing says get out of our house like a crockpot!
Let me know what your bests and worsts!!
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