Samardzija...a mimbo?
Last night, I went to the ND football banquet. An enjoyable time I must say. I was slightly disappointed by the food though did not realize how much I missed the dining hall's boy brownies with chocolate icing on top. Scrumdiddlyumptious!! Anyway, Samardzija and Brady both won MVP awards for the year...the only award to be handed out by a female presenter (you lucky, lucky girl!). I'm probably going to receive hate comments for this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I think Jeffy Samardzija is a mimbo. Has anyone seen that Seinfeld episode where Elaine is dating Tony (hey, hunky Tony) the mimbo (Male Bimbo)? It's also the one where Elaine meets the lady in the restroom who can't spare a square, she doesn't have a square to spare. (Half of you right now are shaking your heads and half of you think I have completely lost my mind). Samardzija is Tony!!! The way he pushes his hair behind his ears every five seconds. The way its seems like he's struggling painfully to put together a coherent sentence (if you notice, most of the time he just repeats back the question. Example: Reporter: Jeff, Were you surprised to be named the team MVP? Jeff: (pushes his hair back behind his ears) uh...yeah, I was surprised to be named the team MVP.) Don't get me wrong, I love Jeff, and I have nothing against mimbos, but let's just admit that he is one.
On another note, during the banquet a bat kept dive bombing the crowd. How much money do I have to give to rid the JACC (and Washington Hall while I'm at it) of bats? Get me my check book!!!
1 comment:
I don't care - Mimbos need love, too!!!
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