What's better than the Notre Dame glee club Christmas Concert?
Sitting behind Brady at the Notre Dame glee club Christmas Concert. Though I have to admit he did hamper my spontaneous jingle belling that usually occurs. We also thought the mimbo was three rows up, but it turned out it was just another guy with hippie hair and a sharky nose. I have to also admit that the Leighton Concert Hall in the DeBartolo Center is a big step up from folding chairs at Stepan!
One other random note: is it bizarre that I know between 10 -15 people with the same birthday as me. All within two degrees of separation (either I know them or they are in the immediate family of someone I know). This isn't even counting famous people (Tiger Woods, LeBron James, Matt Lauer and even Coach Willingham are excluded from the count). That just seems like a lot to me.
Remember that Evan and Emmeline and I all have the same birthday? now that's weird.
I have the same birthday as Celine Dion. Please kill me.
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